Your IT should support your business, not control it. Workplace technology shouldn’t require specialist knowledge or hours of training. But it does. Learning computers, email and networks - it distracts you from what you want to do. You just want it to work, so you can.
You need a system that’s simple, obvious, and intuitive. A system that’s integrated, smooth, powerful. And you need all of this to be maintained invisibly by someone else.
You need someone to help you do IT better.
We created Hexworks for a
very good reason; we want to
do IT better. We were the same as just about every other small IT company; we made our money fixing things that broke last week, just for it to break again next week. It's profitable, but it's not good business.
Then, one day over coffee,
we started talking about economies of scale, and economies of doing it right.
We suddenly saw that bigger
picture, the way to do it better, to do it right from the start. We created a way of thinking, designing and acting that builds success, instead of just billing hours.
So we set out to rebuild in this
new image – to redefine where we stand and where we're headed. We are focussed on a way that works better for our clients and also for us. You’ll
see that now we’re no longer
the same as all those other IT
Now, we’re doing IT better.

who we are




